July 17, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

With this posting I will begin to add photos from my Spain portfolio.  It is a huge collection of photos and I will necessarily be very selective in choosing those that represent both quality and diversity.  At this point I am very pleased with the quality, but diversity of subject matter is a challenge.  Most of my images occupy two general groupings, architectural and street photography, the latter being things of interest I saw on the city streets of Spain.  As we travelled across and around this beautiful country by coach I saw hundreds of landscape compositions I would like to photograph; alas, photographing from a moving bus is not possible if one hopes to produce quality landscapes.  Not that I didn't try, but it's safe to say not one of those images will even be edited.  So I was left with photographing in the cities; architecture, people and street subjects were the order of the day.

I consider myself kind of a novice at capturing people photos.  It's not so much the technical aspect of capturing the image that I find challenging, it's capturing close up portraits.  I'm just not comfortable with approaching someone and pushing a camera in their face.  Therefore, most people photos are candids of folks going about their daily business.  Sometimes they are aware they are being photographed, sometimes not.  I try to be as non-obtrusive as possible so that they will remain comfortable doing whatever they are doing.  In any case I take care that the image of whatever is going on is in good taste.

The other challenge is of a geographical nature.  We're I to simply dump all my photos into a portfolio called Spain it would be a huge collection even while being selective.  I have decided to use several portfolios similar to what I did in Italy.  At present I'm contemplating regional portfolios to include the regions of Castile y Leon, Catabria, Basque Country, Navarra, Aragon, Castile-La Mancha, Valencia, and Andalusia; additionally there will be separate portfolios for Barcelona, Madrid, the Alhambra, the Seville Cathedral, and probably the Grand Mosque of Córdoba.  We also visited Gibralter which some will know is not part of Spain but rather part of the United Kingdom.  Even so we visited it as part of our Spain adventure so it too will be included in the Andalusia collection.  Should even this segmentation produce portfolios that are too large I may decide to further fragment them to more manageable size.



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